Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Life as a White Trash Zombie: Diana Rowland

Meet Angel, who's just woken up naked in a hospital after a drug overdose because she's a total loser drug addict who can't hold a job and has already done jail time.
When she wakes up, she's gifted clothes and a set of bottles of strange-looking liquid with a note that she's got a job at the morgue which she'd damn well better show up for.

Except that things aren't as they seem.
As evident per the title, Angel is now a zombie, although she hasn't figured it out yet. She's also trying to piece together a lot of information that doesn't make sense, as well as acquire enough more to make sense of the rest--all the while trying to hold onto this job for as long as possible.
Meanwhile, things are getting weird around town. There's a rash of beheadings--which is especially unfortunate because they keep happening when she's hungriest--and she's kinda falling for a cop who's already seen her naked.

There's a helluva lot more to it than that, but that's the basic gist of things.

Seriously you guys, this novel is awesome. It's hilarious and pragmatic, moving and interesting, thought provoking and irritating. The best kind of novel, if you ask me. It kept me engaged through its entirety and I couldn't put it down for very long--which was problematic because I was working full time (and overtime) at the time. So there it is.  It reads pretty fast, but that's probably because it's entertaining. haha.

In terms of zombie literature, it definitely isn't your typical story. Rowland gives it a bit of a twist which keeps things interesting, and I could certainly go about employing my English-major ability to read subtext implications, but it would require I drop some major spoilers, and I prefer not to. Sorry.  Regardless, it got a solid 5 stars on Goodreads, because I really did truly love the crap out of it.

Book two is titled "Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues", and I've just started reading it so I really don't have anything to say about it. I'll get to it eventually. Once I get through this absurd mountain of literature that will probably end up ahead of it... hahahaha. Ohh life.

I actually bought all three books at the same time (the fourth comes out next year) this summer because (1) I like to buy books in sets (because when I finish it I just want to jump into the next) and because (2) Grand Forks doesn't really have that great of a bookstore setup (seriously; it's deplorable) and I wanted to have them when I got here because (3) I hate having to wait for Amazon to send me shit. hahaha. And I don't like to buy all of my books from one place. It's a thing. I don't know.

Anyway! That's what I've got.

Until next time,

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