Quentin Jacobsen is a mild-mannered guy. His parents are both psychiatrists. What the hell do you expect? And he's a senior in high school. A bit of a nerd, but not overwhelmingly so. Actually, all in all, he's relatively boring. At least at the start of the novel. He's just a boy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I imagine him to be a sorta kinda cute-ish boy, but just a boy nonetheless.
And he's practically in love with his neighbor: Margo Roth Speigelman. (I like the name Margo, just for the record. At first I thought it was sort of odd, but I grew to rather like it.) Except that as the novel proceeds, Quentin finds that it's not really Margo he's in love with, it's the idea of Margo. Because he realizes that he actually really doesn't know Margo--none of them do.
Margo involves him in a night of adventures and then suddenly disappears. Apparently it's nothing new, as she's run away to do things in the past. Only this time, she isn't coming back. Much turmoil takes its place in the pages following Margo's disappearance, and I can't help but sympathize with Quentin. Simultaneously, knowing what I know, I sympathize with her as well.
As with Looking for Alaska (which I do realize I have not discussed with you), Paper Towns has a lot of philosophy running throughout its pages. Concepts that I think more people need to be introduced/exposed to and made to think about. Not just because they're big, deep concepts, but because they are important ones that help to allow us to grow as individuals. At this point in my life, I have actually come to address most of the things discussed in this book already, but John Green has this beautiful knack for addressing it differently than I do. Obviously, because he's a different person.
For example, one of the themes is that we, as individuals, have a tendency to look at others not as people, but as ideas, as concepts. When we look at a person's behavior and start creating this image of who and what we think this person is, it no longer really matter what this person does, the image of them we have created is who they are in our minds. And every person will come up with a different image of this person of discussion--that's the trick of it: none of us are going to see exactly the same person because we all have our own internal prejudices and hang ups and baggage that alters how we see everything--even if/when we don't realize it.
Because we are projecting onto others the things we see--or don't see but hold--inside of ourselves, this kind of blocks our ability to actually consider others to be people--individuals--instead of ideas. We become so entranced with the idea of someone that when we actually start to get to know them and begin to discover that they aren't some mystical, entrancing enigma, they're just a person, we become disappointed, in either ourselves, our idea or the reality of the person before us. I don't think any of us can truly escape it forever; I think it's a war in which we win and lose certain battles.
I suppose that ultimately, the purpose of Green's writing is to be both perfectly and beautifully philosophical and yet so endlessly and sadly unfulfilling, since thus is the unalterable nature of life: to ignore what we want and make its own twists and turns and decisions without our prior approval or satisfaction.
In that way, Green's become one of my very favorite authors--for being so philosophical and idealistic while remaining almost brutally realistic.
In discussion with a very close friend of mine over the novel one night, I received this text message: "[...] I think the main thing with his books is that they masquerade as simple YA literature, but have many of the elements of the classics--namely, that the theme and message take precedence over the plot. While other endings might be more satisfying from a more simplistic storytelling standpoint, John Green writes the ending that drives his point home and makes his audience think." I include the message because she makes the point more clearly and succinctly than I'd have found myself capable (largely because I'd have been guilty of plagiarism otherwise). Plus it's a brilliant text message and I like to prove that I have wonderful and articulate friends. Whatever.
I feel as though my reviews maybe ought to be longer, like maybe I'm not really going far enough.
If you feel this way and would like to hear more from me in the way of actual "criticism", be a dear and comment on any of the posts available. I'd be most happy to oblige. At least in most cases. I try not to drop too many spoilers at the same time, so that certainly limits the amount which I am able to say. We'll see how long this aversion continues and where things go in the future.
Until next time,
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Will Grayson, Will Grayson: John Green and David Levithan
A thought which preceded the writing of this review is this (it happened a fairly long time ago):
People seem to have this notion in their heads that anything life-changing has to be something monumental, and that seriously isn't the case. The things that change our lives and/or who we are as individuals, the way that we see/view life. Even the way that we view ourselves. View, see, feel about, believe in--all relevant and included in this discussion. But the thing is that the things that are life-altering don't HAVE to be big. They don't HAVE to be monumental. They don't have to be major events in our lives. Sometimes it's the smallest of things that have the biggest impact. When you read a book that addresses life in a way that you haven't ever thought about. Or maybe that you have thought about but never articulated in the manner presented to you. When you hear a song that moves you and the lights shine brighter, the air tastes better, people smile more beautifully. The world views differently because you are different because of something so radically simple--or complex, but small nonetheless has triggered a reaction in your brain that, regardless of its manner of existence.
And so you sit there going "Oh my gosh," but you don't really know how to articulate what you're going through because nobody else has experienced the thing that you just experienced, and you can't just look at your roommate and say "I just experienced a life-changing event" because she was sitting here 4 feet away from you for the last 20 minutes and nothing actually happened. And people just don't get it, least of all when you can't explain it.
Andbutso I think we've established that I've HAD one of these moments just now upon the completion of this book. I have these moments quite frequently, actually. You'd think that after awhile it gets old, that things stop amazing or changing me. But that's the beauty of my outlook: these things never get old. I like that I never stop changing. I like that I still allow myself to be so thoroughly moved by things so small, seemingly inconsequential.

Will Grayson 2 is a self-deprecating teenage boy with friends he doesn't really consider friends because he kind of hates himself and his life and everything that is. Except for Isaac, a boy he met online and has been talking to for a year.
Will Grayson 1 is straight but doesn't date because he prefers to avoid all the drama. Will Grayson 2 is gay but totally in the closet. Not because he is ashamed of this but because he (rightly) doesn't think it's anybody else's goddamned business.
As the story progresses we learn more and more about each of these characters and more characters come into the mix. Tiny Cooper's main focus is on a musical that he wrote called Tiny Dancer, which is, go figure, about him. He is also a member of the school's "Gay Straight Alliance" and wants Tiny Dancer to receive funding from the student council in order to become a reality.
There's also a cute girl named Jane involved here? And there's a lot of drama with her and Will Grayson 1 kind of sort of but not really liking each other? It's complicated.
There is a lot of other plot information here that's relatively relevant but which I shan't be discussing simply because A) I don't feel like it and B) ...er... never mind.
Anyway. So Will Grayson 2 is going to meet up with Isaac in Chicago Friday night, only he gets to the place he's supposed to go to and it's a porn shop called Frenchy's. This is where he meets Will Grayson 1, who is also underage and attempting to buy a porn magazine as a memento for his friends who actually left him to go to a Maybe Dead Cats concert in a bar--WG1's fake ID was a total fail, which actually made for an amusing moment there in aforementioned porn shop--and one thing leads to another and Will Grayson 1 meets Will Grayson 2.
So then there's a bunch of stuff and then Will Grayson 2 ends up with Tiny Cooper and then they actually sorta make out and stuff.
So from here we have a number of things progressing. For example, Will Grayson 1 is replaced in Tiny Cooper's life by Will Grayson 2, which kind of pisses off and hurts the feelings of WG1. Only all of this is complicated and there's a bunch of stuff with Jane, who sort of gets back with her ex-boyfriend only then she dumps him because she can't get WG1 out of her head and so then they kind of get together and that's good.
And like, Tiny and WG2 go out sort of for awhile, but then Will kind of hates on stuff too much and pisses of Tiny and they kind of break up. And they both feel totally like shit about it.
There are a lot of things about this book that I really liked. The prose exhibited by both authors, for example. The plot points. Also a lot of the subtext, the concepts that they put forth. Like, for example, sometimes people fall in love with an aspect of who you are, not necessarily you yourself. Like, sometimes, we don't keep quiet about things because we're ashamed of them or because we are afraid of being judged, but because it's nobody else's goddamned business, and that's okay. Also, that no relationship is perfect, and that one factoid, in itself, makes every relationship perfect.
Actually, I don't think that last one was really in the book... whatever. Take it how you will.
I loved it. A lot. I even gave it 5 stars on GoodReads. (= So there ya go.
There is a lot of other plot information here that's relatively relevant but which I shan't be discussing simply because A) I don't feel like it and B) ...er... never mind.
Anyway. So Will Grayson 2 is going to meet up with Isaac in Chicago Friday night, only he gets to the place he's supposed to go to and it's a porn shop called Frenchy's. This is where he meets Will Grayson 1, who is also underage and attempting to buy a porn magazine as a memento for his friends who actually left him to go to a Maybe Dead Cats concert in a bar--WG1's fake ID was a total fail, which actually made for an amusing moment there in aforementioned porn shop--and one thing leads to another and Will Grayson 1 meets Will Grayson 2.
So then there's a bunch of stuff and then Will Grayson 2 ends up with Tiny Cooper and then they actually sorta make out and stuff.
So from here we have a number of things progressing. For example, Will Grayson 1 is replaced in Tiny Cooper's life by Will Grayson 2, which kind of pisses off and hurts the feelings of WG1. Only all of this is complicated and there's a bunch of stuff with Jane, who sort of gets back with her ex-boyfriend only then she dumps him because she can't get WG1 out of her head and so then they kind of get together and that's good.
And like, Tiny and WG2 go out sort of for awhile, but then Will kind of hates on stuff too much and pisses of Tiny and they kind of break up. And they both feel totally like shit about it.
There are a lot of things about this book that I really liked. The prose exhibited by both authors, for example. The plot points. Also a lot of the subtext, the concepts that they put forth. Like, for example, sometimes people fall in love with an aspect of who you are, not necessarily you yourself. Like, sometimes, we don't keep quiet about things because we're ashamed of them or because we are afraid of being judged, but because it's nobody else's goddamned business, and that's okay. Also, that no relationship is perfect, and that one factoid, in itself, makes every relationship perfect.
Actually, I don't think that last one was really in the book... whatever. Take it how you will.
I loved it. A lot. I even gave it 5 stars on GoodReads. (= So there ya go.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Jerk, California: Jonathan Friesen

Anyway, there's a lot of self-loathing in this book. I'm telling you, a lot. But there's a lot of other here, as well. Sam, whose given name is actually Jack [somethingorother but super Irish] ends up working for a guy the townspeople refer to as The Coot. Some affectionately, others not so much. You know how it goes in small towns. But he's actually a pretty cool guy. And there's, of course, a girl involved.
So after not very long at all, George (the Coot) dies of a heart attack right in front of Jack. And then Jack inherits ALL of George's stuff. Land, house, everything.
George sends Jack on a trip across the country to a location in California called Jerk with several stops along the way and directions to stay a couple of days in each place. Jack's dad built or refurbished windmills. That was kind of his thing.
I don't know. I really liked this book when I read it at the time, but like, thinking back on it, I'm kind of over it. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's really interesting, largely because of Jack's struggle with identity and self-confidence and self-loathing and this girl who is totally... bipolar. Not really, just pregnant (early in). Long story. Anyway. It WAS interesting. But... meh. I don't know. Looking back I just don't.... like... feel all that strongly about it now. I kind of did at the time. If you read the last blog post I did about Will Grayson, Will Grayson, before I get into the novel I have this HUGE spiel about little things that change your life and whatever, and this one kind of did that at the time. But... I dunno. Maybe now that I'm here it's not such a big deal? I don't know how to explain it.
It's not a long read, or a difficult read. I almost cried a few times. I laughed quite a bit. I hated people frequently. It's a moving book, at least. Maybe I was just particularly movable at the time. No idea. But I liked it. I give it probs 3.5 stars? Maybe? I dunno. 3 just doesn't seem right but 4 almost seems too much. So. There you are.
The other thing that was kind of annoying about this book was the way that Friesen portrays the Minnesota accent. Now, I'm from this area with this accent, and I can tell you for darn sure that the vast majority of people here don't talk that way. We do have an accent, but it isn't as obvious or overt as the author makes it seem like it must be. Just a side note.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Midnight Mayor: Or, The Inauguration of Matthew Swift -- Kate Griffin
And so it continues.
Surprise! Swift survived the first novel. It got a bit hairy back there what with all the fighting and the murderous intentions. Secret societies, organizations pitted against magic (for "religious reasons"), psychotic colleagues, etc.
This novel opens just as abruptly as the last one did.
Matthew answers a public phone (because he will always answer the phone when it rings; it's part of who he is) and isblasted back down the street. And now he's being attacked by spectres, which are particularly rare for London. All I'll tell you is that the tools for their demise include beer and a cigarette. Happy imaginings. =]
Let me give you a visual of a spectre:
You've ever been strolling around a city and you see that kid shuffling along in a hoodie with the hood up and headphones going in, bobbing along to a beat that only they can hear? Now imagine said kid without a face. Just a gaseous space holding clothes in the proper shape. Now you've got a spectre--but you can hear their beats, and not all spectres bob to the same rhythm.
It's been said that, should the Ravens ever leave the Tower of London, should the Stone ever break, should the Wall be defaced, the city of London shall be damned. The Midnight Mayor's job is to protect the city--provided the Midnight Mayor actually exists, since Swift seems terribly skeptical--but if the city requires a protector, clearly there are things it requires protection from. Correct?
I am sure you have already deduced a few things with the help of the above paragraph coupled with the title. Namely, that the Midnight Mayor has died, that the position has been transferred to Matthew Swift, and that the city is in pretty deep shit.
Suddenly, the phrase "GIVE ME BACK MY HAT" is graffitti'ed across the city, written on the London Wall, on the wall where the Ravens were killed, on the window of the business housing the broken Stone--everywhere. Significant? You bet your ass.
Griffin does such a marvelous job creating suspense and then systematically untying knots which tie more knots until finally the whole thing comes undone at the end. You can't help but be drawn in, be captivated by her vivid imagery and intense, peculiar descriptions of things. She uses such unexpected language that catches you off guard but gives you a perfectly exact picture of what it is you're looking at and it's amazing. She has swiftly (hahahaha) become one of my very favorite and most inspiring authors--and it only took two novels. (One, actually, but we'll say two.)
Surprise! Swift survived the first novel. It got a bit hairy back there what with all the fighting and the murderous intentions. Secret societies, organizations pitted against magic (for "religious reasons"), psychotic colleagues, etc.
This novel opens just as abruptly as the last one did.
Matthew answers a public phone (because he will always answer the phone when it rings; it's part of who he is) and isblasted back down the street. And now he's being attacked by spectres, which are particularly rare for London. All I'll tell you is that the tools for their demise include beer and a cigarette. Happy imaginings. =]
Let me give you a visual of a spectre:
You've ever been strolling around a city and you see that kid shuffling along in a hoodie with the hood up and headphones going in, bobbing along to a beat that only they can hear? Now imagine said kid without a face. Just a gaseous space holding clothes in the proper shape. Now you've got a spectre--but you can hear their beats, and not all spectres bob to the same rhythm.
It's been said that, should the Ravens ever leave the Tower of London, should the Stone ever break, should the Wall be defaced, the city of London shall be damned. The Midnight Mayor's job is to protect the city--provided the Midnight Mayor actually exists, since Swift seems terribly skeptical--but if the city requires a protector, clearly there are things it requires protection from. Correct?
I am sure you have already deduced a few things with the help of the above paragraph coupled with the title. Namely, that the Midnight Mayor has died, that the position has been transferred to Matthew Swift, and that the city is in pretty deep shit.
Suddenly, the phrase "GIVE ME BACK MY HAT" is graffitti'ed across the city, written on the London Wall, on the wall where the Ravens were killed, on the window of the business housing the broken Stone--everywhere. Significant? You bet your ass.
Griffin does such a marvelous job creating suspense and then systematically untying knots which tie more knots until finally the whole thing comes undone at the end. You can't help but be drawn in, be captivated by her vivid imagery and intense, peculiar descriptions of things. She uses such unexpected language that catches you off guard but gives you a perfectly exact picture of what it is you're looking at and it's amazing. She has swiftly (hahahaha) become one of my very favorite and most inspiring authors--and it only took two novels. (One, actually, but we'll say two.)
Goodreads got a 5 star rating from yours truly. I bet you're just super surprised, huh? That's what I thought.
Until next time,
Friday, October 25, 2013
A Madness of Angels: Or, The Resurrection of Matthew Swift -- Kate Griffin
And so it begins.
Matthew Swift is a sorcerer in London, but it is immediately apparent that he is more than that. He has been resurrected after having been dead for approximately two years.
Before the night is out, Matthew is attacked by a "litterbug" (a summoned monster composed of, you guessed it, garbage. Which, for the record, he defeats with a dustbin. Not to ruin it. It's a marvelous scene.
Newly resurrected, Swift's sole missions are to (a) find his murderer and return the favor, and (b) find who resurrected him, find out why, and then, quite likely, kill them as well.
So the novel progresses and you learn more and more peculiar things about this Swift, but things are still left unsaid, left in the dark and unexplained, leaving an air of mystery and suspense until finally the truth is spilled--but not all of it. Only one set of truths. As the book progresses, truths are revealed in clusters until finally the book ends and the final shoe finally drops. The perpetual mystery and vague confusion coupled with the peculiarity of the narrative--due to the intrinsic peculiarity of the narrator--are large parts of what keep the novel moving at the Andantino cum Accelerando (a little faster than "a walking pace" but steadily speeding up) tempo that it does.
The prose is marvelous and intriguing; Griffin doesn't write in chapters. Sections are broken up with white space or " * * * "; larger sections are broken up as "Part One: [Title]", "The First Interlude: [Title]". It's fascinating. And I totally love it. But there's also a number of places where the writing totally breaks into stream of consciousness style, which is also terribly moving in-context. (Also because I know things you don't. hahaha.) It can catch you off-guard if you allow it to, but if you just get lost in the text as you're reading, it just works right into the story. Some of the paragraphs are these great, barely-connected run-on sentences (one or two sentences total in the paragraph) and it's magnetic. It really keeps you moving through the material because it's different in that it's a frequent change in prose style, which catches your attention even when you aren't conscious of it.
Matthew Swift is a sorcerer in London, but it is immediately apparent that he is more than that. He has been resurrected after having been dead for approximately two years.
Before the night is out, Matthew is attacked by a "litterbug" (a summoned monster composed of, you guessed it, garbage. Which, for the record, he defeats with a dustbin. Not to ruin it. It's a marvelous scene.
Newly resurrected, Swift's sole missions are to (a) find his murderer and return the favor, and (b) find who resurrected him, find out why, and then, quite likely, kill them as well.
So the novel progresses and you learn more and more peculiar things about this Swift, but things are still left unsaid, left in the dark and unexplained, leaving an air of mystery and suspense until finally the truth is spilled--but not all of it. Only one set of truths. As the book progresses, truths are revealed in clusters until finally the book ends and the final shoe finally drops. The perpetual mystery and vague confusion coupled with the peculiarity of the narrative--due to the intrinsic peculiarity of the narrator--are large parts of what keep the novel moving at the Andantino cum Accelerando (a little faster than "a walking pace" but steadily speeding up) tempo that it does.
The prose is marvelous and intriguing; Griffin doesn't write in chapters. Sections are broken up with white space or " * * * "; larger sections are broken up as "Part One: [Title]", "The First Interlude: [Title]". It's fascinating. And I totally love it. But there's also a number of places where the writing totally breaks into stream of consciousness style, which is also terribly moving in-context. (Also because I know things you don't. hahaha.) It can catch you off-guard if you allow it to, but if you just get lost in the text as you're reading, it just works right into the story. Some of the paragraphs are these great, barely-connected run-on sentences (one or two sentences total in the paragraph) and it's magnetic. It really keeps you moving through the material because it's different in that it's a frequent change in prose style, which catches your attention even when you aren't conscious of it.
Sidenote: I'm terribly amused at the little sticker on this cover which proudly proclaims "Only $19.99!" as if that's somehow cheap for a novel. I think I paid $7.99 for mine? Maayyyybe $8.99. It's just kinda funny. That's all.
Solid 5 stars on Goodreads. Always. Every time. (Even though I'd have to buy it again if I ever wanted to read it again because I lent it to my ex-boyfriend and he's now had it--and the second--for almost two years and refuses to answer my texts/calls when I'm in town. Asshole.)
So there it is!
Until next time,
A Madness of Angels,
British literature,
Kate Griffin,
Matthew Swift,
novel review,
stream of consciousness,
urban fantasy
Thursday, October 24, 2013
A Brush of Darkness, A Sliver of Shadow, A Trace of Moonlight: Abby Sinclair Books 1-3 -- Allison Pang

So here's the deal.
Abby is the TouchStone for the Fae Protectorate, who is actually a princess, though I don't recall if that's stated right off the bat. So that could probably be a spoiler. Oh well.
This incubus named Brystion (nicknamed Ion) shows up and asks her to help him find his sister (a succubus, in case that didn't occur to you) but "off the radar" in a manner of speaking. There's some real shady business goin on and because the three paths (Heaven, Hell, Fae (who are apparently a middle ground or something if I recall correctly?)) are not exactly on the BEST of terms, things should be kept on the down-low.
Things get complicated, as they always do; Abby turns out to be a Dreamer, which is something that he explains the meaning of but we still don't really get to see it (even by the end of book 2) because Abby hasn't learned how to control it yet. She's haunted by some pretty severe nightmares, though; nightmares she can't let go.
The bad guy here is Maurice. It's been too long since reading it for me to tell you most accurately what the deal is exactly. But he basically, like, painted Brystion's sister (and then Abby and I think a couple other people?) into these ugly ass paintings. And Abby ends up stuck in this painting with sharks (her biggest fear (which is totally irrational since she's never even seen one)) and she almost dies and there's a whole bunch of really tense drama and stuff. And then blah blah blah she's saved and whatever.
Brystion and Abby have this super heated love affair--go figure--but it's... it's... I liked it. I mean, it was nice. beautiful, in a way. passionate. But he left her anyway. That pissed me off. But she gave him a place in her Heart of Dreaming or whatever, so... I mean... there's that. (He can't have one because he's an incubus.)
It received a full 5 star rating on Goodreads by yours truly because I felt that the prose combined with the storytelling and the plot itself all deserved it. The dialogue doesn't even feel forced, you guys. So many people have so many problems with dialogue that it's really nice when someone gets it so very, very right.

As an aside, this model has a different facial structure (and body frame) than the last one. I'm not sure how I feel about it... Also, all of her hair is pink and purple in this one instead of just her bangs... Meh.
So here we go again. Sorta.
Maurice is in jail but the Queen is going insane and the Fae court is kind of a wreck. Moira's baby is in Abby's care until she hands him off to his father (which is a scandal!) to take care of stuff.
Now there's romantic stuff brewing with her body guard Talivar, who turns out to be the prince and Moira's half-brother.
Clusterfuck after clusterfuck. The Queen shuts down the CrossRoads, which puts the entire metaphysical community afluster, strands some, kills others, etc. The Demons actually threaten war on the Fae, which is actually where this one kinda leaves off. Because Talivar and Abby accidentally start it and then Abby pulls a stupid in order to save him and Brystion--who have a weird love triangle thing going with Abby now, which is... strange... but amusing and interesting nonetheless.
I was VERY unhappy about where this book ended. Very unhappy indeed. If you're unhappy because I just said a whole ton of nothing, I apparently grew weary of typing this post. And there's too much that counts as serious plot spoilers. And I don't wanna ruin TOO much. I already dropped a couple huge things there, even if you don't realize it yet.
This book also got 5 stars because, let's face it, I'm basically in love with them. They're so worth it. Entertaining and provocative and definitely different.

So um... here's the thing:
I read this so long ago now (and have read so much material since then) that I don't especially remember much of it.
I know that a number of things get resolved but least that many things really don't.
Gimme a break; I'm just copying these reviews over from my old blog. =/
Look: It's just as good as the other two and worthy of yet another 5 star rating on Goodreads. I fell in love with Pang's material and I heartily recommend it to any fans of paranormal romance literature. Because the sex in here is hot. The sexual tension is also really excellent, for the record, which there is much more of than actual sex. Just saying.
So that's that.
Until next time,
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
My Life as a White Trash Zombie: Diana Rowland
Meet Angel, who's just woken up naked in a hospital after a drug overdose because she's a total loser drug addict who can't hold a job and has already done jail time.
When she wakes up, she's gifted clothes and a set of bottles of strange-looking liquid with a note that she's got a job at the morgue which she'd damn well better show up for.
Except that things aren't as they seem.
As evident per the title, Angel is now a zombie, although she hasn't figured it out yet. She's also trying to piece together a lot of information that doesn't make sense, as well as acquire enough more to make sense of the rest--all the while trying to hold onto this job for as long as possible.
Meanwhile, things are getting weird around town. There's a rash of beheadings--which is especially unfortunate because they keep happening when she's hungriest--and she's kinda falling for a cop who's already seen her naked.
There's a helluva lot more to it than that, but that's the basic gist of things.
Seriously you guys, this novel is awesome. It's hilarious and pragmatic, moving and interesting, thought provoking and irritating. The best kind of novel, if you ask me. It kept me engaged through its entirety and I couldn't put it down for very long--which was problematic because I was working full time (and overtime) at the time. So there it is. It reads pretty fast, but that's probably because it's entertaining. haha.
In terms of zombie literature, it definitely isn't your typical story. Rowland gives it a bit of a twist which keeps things interesting, and I could certainly go about employing my English-major ability to read subtext implications, but it would require I drop some major spoilers, and I prefer not to. Sorry. Regardless, it got a solid 5 stars on Goodreads, because I really did truly love the crap out of it.
Book two is titled "Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues", and I've just started reading it so I really don't have anything to say about it. I'll get to it eventually. Once I get through this absurd mountain of literature that will probably end up ahead of it... hahahaha. Ohh life.
I actually bought all three books at the same time (the fourth comes out next year) this summer because (1) I like to buy books in sets (because when I finish it I just want to jump into the next) and because (2) Grand Forks doesn't really have that great of a bookstore setup (seriously; it's deplorable) and I wanted to have them when I got here because (3) I hate having to wait for Amazon to send me shit. hahaha. And I don't like to buy all of my books from one place. It's a thing. I don't know.
Anyway! That's what I've got.
Until next time,
When she wakes up, she's gifted clothes and a set of bottles of strange-looking liquid with a note that she's got a job at the morgue which she'd damn well better show up for.
Except that things aren't as they seem.
As evident per the title, Angel is now a zombie, although she hasn't figured it out yet. She's also trying to piece together a lot of information that doesn't make sense, as well as acquire enough more to make sense of the rest--all the while trying to hold onto this job for as long as possible.
Meanwhile, things are getting weird around town. There's a rash of beheadings--which is especially unfortunate because they keep happening when she's hungriest--and she's kinda falling for a cop who's already seen her naked.
There's a helluva lot more to it than that, but that's the basic gist of things.
Seriously you guys, this novel is awesome. It's hilarious and pragmatic, moving and interesting, thought provoking and irritating. The best kind of novel, if you ask me. It kept me engaged through its entirety and I couldn't put it down for very long--which was problematic because I was working full time (and overtime) at the time. So there it is. It reads pretty fast, but that's probably because it's entertaining. haha.
In terms of zombie literature, it definitely isn't your typical story. Rowland gives it a bit of a twist which keeps things interesting, and I could certainly go about employing my English-major ability to read subtext implications, but it would require I drop some major spoilers, and I prefer not to. Sorry. Regardless, it got a solid 5 stars on Goodreads, because I really did truly love the crap out of it.
Book two is titled "Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues", and I've just started reading it so I really don't have anything to say about it. I'll get to it eventually. Once I get through this absurd mountain of literature that will probably end up ahead of it... hahahaha. Ohh life.
I actually bought all three books at the same time (the fourth comes out next year) this summer because (1) I like to buy books in sets (because when I finish it I just want to jump into the next) and because (2) Grand Forks doesn't really have that great of a bookstore setup (seriously; it's deplorable) and I wanted to have them when I got here because (3) I hate having to wait for Amazon to send me shit. hahaha. And I don't like to buy all of my books from one place. It's a thing. I don't know.
Anyway! That's what I've got.
Until next time,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Parched & The Seventh Sister, Books 1 & 2 by Z.L. Arkadie
Parched is the first book in the so-named series by Z.L. Arkadie. I found the second book (pictured below), The Seventh Sister, free on Amazon Kindle, and because I was bored and it was about vampires, I downloaded it. Upon its completion, I discovered that it's part of a series, which led me to book one (pictured left), Parched.
The general idea is that Clarity, the protagonist of the first novel (but not the second), can essentially read minds and emotions off the people around her. While in college she meets a man by the name of Baron Ze Feldis (whose name is initially different, but I don't remember what it is) and it turns out that he's a vampire, or in the terms of the novel, a Selell.
Now, as it turns out, Clarity is one of seven, (as the title of the second novel could lead one to believe), only two of whom do you meet by the end of this novel: Clarity, Adore, and Fawn.
Arkadie creates an interesting "other" world called Enu into which Clarity ventures to learn about who she is and what's going on.
The novel is packed full of mystery and plot for as short as it is, and it's enough to keep you reading.
1. Arkadie's prose is kind of godawful. I mean, don't get me wrong, her actual words aren't [usually] at fault, but she throws random commas in random places in which they don't belong, she's constantly separating her "in which"es and she called a fence "rod iron" instead of "wrought iron". I get that these are free books on Kindle and stuff, but the other five books in the series are all at least $2.99 and, as cheap as that is, I still feel like it's worth somebody's time to edit these things. They aren't that long; I read them both in a matter of a couple of hours total.
The following point(s) apply to both Parched and The Seventh Sister, which I have yet to discuss, but will shortly.
2. Her protagonists are super subject to Mary Sue syndrome. For anybody who doesn't speak author, this is a very common pitfall of authors *coughcough Christopher Paolini's Eragon coughcough* to "self-insert" the novel into a text, or, more commonly as used today, over idealize the protagonist to the point where they are literally better than everybody else present. Prettier, smarter, "The One", "The Prophesy", etc. etc. Everyone wants them, they can do no wrong, you name it. Generally speaking, it's the placing of the protagonist above everybody else and largely assuming or insinuating that they are without fault. It's a huge problem in fiction writing, and the term got its start in Star Trek fanfiction (check Wikipedia). For the record, the term for males in this position is Marty Stu, which is, quite frankly, hilarious.
3. Neither of her protagonists in the first two novels have a unique voice with which they tell their stories, think, act, or reason. Both novels are told in the same storytelling style--which I can't condemn too hard because I understand how hard it can be to change your style--but even so, when you're working with characters who are separate people, they need to be employed with their own voices.
At this point, the question does have to become that of prose versus plot: Is the story itself enough to overpower the pitfalls? Honestly, I'm not certain. The fact that I've downloaded the third book to continue the story leans one way, but the fact that every other page I'm swearing to myself because of blatant, unacceptable errors leans the other. I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads because I did really enjoy the book--short as it was--but these are certainly things that have to be taken into consideration.
The Seventh Sister follows Zillael, the youngest (if I recall correctly) of the seven sisters, who is attending high school and taking care of herself because her mother (who actually isn't) is always out on business trips. Whatever.
Apparently Zillael has the gift of speed, which is one of the seven gifts inherited from her father, whom she has never met.
Zillael's teacher and classmate are also special persons--the teacher a guardian I think and her classmate a Wek (which is sorta like an angel or something; I forget how to explain it), and they're charged with protecting her from Selells/vampires, except that she sort of falls for one? While also falling for the Wek. It's complicated.
That's all I can really say about the second one. I read it ages ago and I'm not especially in the mood to do it again. It was far shorter than Parched, and I read in Parched's afterword thingy that The Seventh Sister was more of a filler short or some such a matter. But it was fun. And it was free!
It is still subject to the same complaints as mentioned above, though. So. You know. I still gave it 4 stars on Goodreads, because I enjoyed it. But. You know.
A common complaint of Arkadie's is that, she tends to drop a shit ton of information all at once, or over time, and apparently people have difficulty keeping up or keeping it all straight. I didn't have that issue personally, but I'm used to reading really complicated, convoluted, in-depth material where every detail counts. So that's my thing. No judgment on anybody making the complaint, I'm just saying that I'm used to it so it wasn't a problem.
Book 3 is Quenched, which I haven't yet started but probably will shortly. I read them on my phone's Kindle app when I'm between classes or waiting to pick up Captain from work.

So that's that! I hope it's been satisfactory. =)
Until next time,
The general idea is that Clarity, the protagonist of the first novel (but not the second), can essentially read minds and emotions off the people around her. While in college she meets a man by the name of Baron Ze Feldis (whose name is initially different, but I don't remember what it is) and it turns out that he's a vampire, or in the terms of the novel, a Selell.
Now, as it turns out, Clarity is one of seven, (as the title of the second novel could lead one to believe), only two of whom do you meet by the end of this novel: Clarity, Adore, and Fawn.
Arkadie creates an interesting "other" world called Enu into which Clarity ventures to learn about who she is and what's going on.
The novel is packed full of mystery and plot for as short as it is, and it's enough to keep you reading.
1. Arkadie's prose is kind of godawful. I mean, don't get me wrong, her actual words aren't [usually] at fault, but she throws random commas in random places in which they don't belong, she's constantly separating her "in which"es and she called a fence "rod iron" instead of "wrought iron". I get that these are free books on Kindle and stuff, but the other five books in the series are all at least $2.99 and, as cheap as that is, I still feel like it's worth somebody's time to edit these things. They aren't that long; I read them both in a matter of a couple of hours total.
The following point(s) apply to both Parched and The Seventh Sister, which I have yet to discuss, but will shortly.
2. Her protagonists are super subject to Mary Sue syndrome. For anybody who doesn't speak author, this is a very common pitfall of authors *coughcough Christopher Paolini's Eragon coughcough* to "self-insert" the novel into a text, or, more commonly as used today, over idealize the protagonist to the point where they are literally better than everybody else present. Prettier, smarter, "The One", "The Prophesy", etc. etc. Everyone wants them, they can do no wrong, you name it. Generally speaking, it's the placing of the protagonist above everybody else and largely assuming or insinuating that they are without fault. It's a huge problem in fiction writing, and the term got its start in Star Trek fanfiction (check Wikipedia). For the record, the term for males in this position is Marty Stu, which is, quite frankly, hilarious.
3. Neither of her protagonists in the first two novels have a unique voice with which they tell their stories, think, act, or reason. Both novels are told in the same storytelling style--which I can't condemn too hard because I understand how hard it can be to change your style--but even so, when you're working with characters who are separate people, they need to be employed with their own voices.
At this point, the question does have to become that of prose versus plot: Is the story itself enough to overpower the pitfalls? Honestly, I'm not certain. The fact that I've downloaded the third book to continue the story leans one way, but the fact that every other page I'm swearing to myself because of blatant, unacceptable errors leans the other. I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads because I did really enjoy the book--short as it was--but these are certainly things that have to be taken into consideration.
The Seventh Sister follows Zillael, the youngest (if I recall correctly) of the seven sisters, who is attending high school and taking care of herself because her mother (who actually isn't) is always out on business trips. Whatever.
Apparently Zillael has the gift of speed, which is one of the seven gifts inherited from her father, whom she has never met.
Zillael's teacher and classmate are also special persons--the teacher a guardian I think and her classmate a Wek (which is sorta like an angel or something; I forget how to explain it), and they're charged with protecting her from Selells/vampires, except that she sort of falls for one? While also falling for the Wek. It's complicated.
That's all I can really say about the second one. I read it ages ago and I'm not especially in the mood to do it again. It was far shorter than Parched, and I read in Parched's afterword thingy that The Seventh Sister was more of a filler short or some such a matter. But it was fun. And it was free!
It is still subject to the same complaints as mentioned above, though. So. You know. I still gave it 4 stars on Goodreads, because I enjoyed it. But. You know.
A common complaint of Arkadie's is that, she tends to drop a shit ton of information all at once, or over time, and apparently people have difficulty keeping up or keeping it all straight. I didn't have that issue personally, but I'm used to reading really complicated, convoluted, in-depth material where every detail counts. So that's my thing. No judgment on anybody making the complaint, I'm just saying that I'm used to it so it wasn't a problem.
Book 3 is Quenched, which I haven't yet started but probably will shortly. I read them on my phone's Kindle app when I'm between classes or waiting to pick up Captain from work.

So that's that! I hope it's been satisfactory. =)
Until next time,
This is a new continuation of a blog which has already been in full swing for approximately two or three years. I am switching to a new blog because. Well because I decided to.
I was going to switch to WordPress because of reasons, but after fighting with it for over an hour, I changed my mind. Forget that shit. #Wordpressmenolikey
This also means I have to go through all of the website profiles that I possess and change it. DAMNIT. #Sigh This is going to be so much work. Hopefully it's worth it. We'll see.
So here's the deal, for all newcomers, and a rehash of information for those who will faithfully follow me forward:I abandoned the whole lot of you for a tremendously long period of time because I didn't really have much of anything to say and I really wasn't reading, nor was I picking up new music on a very frequent basis. At that point I just kind of let this blog fall to the wayside, and for those of you who actually like this thing, my apologies are most sincere. For anybody else, you can probably just ignore all of this, because it won't really do anything for you.
Except, of course, for display to you the general quality of my "voice" and the way in which I write these posts. This won't clue you in to the way that I review things necessarily, but it should give you an idea of my flow.
But enough on the English major nonsense. I don't want to get ridiculous. Yet.
I intend to review one book (or album) per post, unless I am working with a series of novels and have read more than one of them before I get around to blogging about them. I will try to be a bit more proactive about blogging than that, but it's hard, okay? Plus I have a certain amount of catchup which will occur over time as well. For the record, I will be moving certain posts over to this blog, but I'll probably keep things set up for one post to appear a day, just so that I don't get horrendously behind again. But we'll see what happens. If you know me, you know how reliable these plans are. Seriously.
In case anybody cares, I'll supply a brief update on my life, just for the sake of it:I am officially a double major (English and Comm Sciences and Disorders) double minor (Linguistics and Philosophy) at UND in Grand Forks. I think I've finally figured out what I want to do with my life, which is to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. I think it would be really fun and rewarding. Otherwise I think I'd like to teach at a university level. Either way, I'll be completing at least an MA, if not also a PhD. Is a PhD in CSD an MD? I guess I'm not sure. I'll have to look into that.
On a personal front, I'm dating a quite wonderful man whom I shall leave nameless but refer to as Captain. (Not the most secretive of nicknames, but whatever. That isn't the point.) We live together in a cooperative house in downtown GF with [currently] six other persons. I'm considering getting a part-time job downtown since I'm only taking 15 credits currently, but we'll see. I haven't decided yet.
Soooooo that's what I've got. I think. I don't do a LOT of pleasure reading anymore because I'm in a 400-level lit class for which we read a shit ton (imagine that, right) at the same time that I'm taking other heavy duty courses. So. It might be slow going, but I'll do my best. =]
Until next time,
I was going to switch to WordPress because of reasons, but after fighting with it for over an hour, I changed my mind. Forget that shit. #Wordpressmenolikey
This also means I have to go through all of the website profiles that I possess and change it. DAMNIT. #Sigh This is going to be so much work. Hopefully it's worth it. We'll see.
So here's the deal, for all newcomers, and a rehash of information for those who will faithfully follow me forward:I abandoned the whole lot of you for a tremendously long period of time because I didn't really have much of anything to say and I really wasn't reading, nor was I picking up new music on a very frequent basis. At that point I just kind of let this blog fall to the wayside, and for those of you who actually like this thing, my apologies are most sincere. For anybody else, you can probably just ignore all of this, because it won't really do anything for you.
Except, of course, for display to you the general quality of my "voice" and the way in which I write these posts. This won't clue you in to the way that I review things necessarily, but it should give you an idea of my flow.
But enough on the English major nonsense. I don't want to get ridiculous. Yet.
I intend to review one book (or album) per post, unless I am working with a series of novels and have read more than one of them before I get around to blogging about them. I will try to be a bit more proactive about blogging than that, but it's hard, okay? Plus I have a certain amount of catchup which will occur over time as well. For the record, I will be moving certain posts over to this blog, but I'll probably keep things set up for one post to appear a day, just so that I don't get horrendously behind again. But we'll see what happens. If you know me, you know how reliable these plans are. Seriously.
In case anybody cares, I'll supply a brief update on my life, just for the sake of it:I am officially a double major (English and Comm Sciences and Disorders) double minor (Linguistics and Philosophy) at UND in Grand Forks. I think I've finally figured out what I want to do with my life, which is to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. I think it would be really fun and rewarding. Otherwise I think I'd like to teach at a university level. Either way, I'll be completing at least an MA, if not also a PhD. Is a PhD in CSD an MD? I guess I'm not sure. I'll have to look into that.
On a personal front, I'm dating a quite wonderful man whom I shall leave nameless but refer to as Captain. (Not the most secretive of nicknames, but whatever. That isn't the point.) We live together in a cooperative house in downtown GF with [currently] six other persons. I'm considering getting a part-time job downtown since I'm only taking 15 credits currently, but we'll see. I haven't decided yet.
Soooooo that's what I've got. I think. I don't do a LOT of pleasure reading anymore because I'm in a 400-level lit class for which we read a shit ton (imagine that, right) at the same time that I'm taking other heavy duty courses. So. It might be slow going, but I'll do my best. =]
Until next time,
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